Similar to all of the mechanical wheels that make the modern world function, there is another wheel that exists in our lives that is just as important. At Melaleuca, we call it the wellness wheel. Like its physical counterpart, the wellness wheel improves lives by making them easier, getting them moving faster and further, and lifting them higher than is possible without it. But in order to do this, you have to understand the different aspects of the wellness wheel and keep them well balanced. The wellness wheel consists of seven interconnected aspects of wellness. • Physical • Environmental • Financial • Social • Intellectual • Spiritual • Emotional As you learn about these seven aspects, evaluate your life and see which one or ones you might give a little more attention to bring greater balance and ease into your life.
When your body is healthy and strong, you enjoy physical wellness. This includes those things you can see (such as having a healthy weight and a strong physique) and what you feel (like energy when you need it, freedom from joint pain, strong immune health, and healthy blood pressure). Each of the more than 400 Melaleuca products is designed to support good physical health. That support can be direct, such as the benefits you will experience from the Peak Performance Pack and Access® Bars, or it can be indirect, like EcoSense® cleaning products that are free from harmful chemicals that damage your lungs over time. Physical Wellness Because Melaleuca products are inspired by nature, you can be sure that they are the best for your home and your body. Because every Melaleuca product is inspired by nature, you can be sure that it’s the best for your body. In fact, you’ll never find anything on par with Melaleuca products. That’s because there is simply nothing else like them available. Since 1985, we’ve been perfecting them through creative ingenuity, solid scientific studies, a passion for your health, and, of course, nature. Each product is in a class of its own and only available at Melaleuca. And just like a wheel makes life better, each masterfully crafted Melaleuca product can help you live your best life.
Just like it’s hard to imagine life without a wheel, can you picture life without nature? Even if it’s simply seeing a bird soaring above the treetops or feeling a fresh breeze as you crest the final hill on your favorite trail, nature and our environment are supremely important. Our lives are forever bound to the world around us, so it makes sense that we should protect what we have. It is impossible to feel completely well as long as we live in an environment that is compromised. Melaleuca is mindful of nature and the environment, and we work hard to care for it. From pioneering ultra-concentrated products that use less plastic to eliminating harmful ingredients (such as phosphates, chlorine bleach, and ammonia) to using energy-efficient production facilities, we strive to care for Mother Nature. You are an integral part of this care plan. Did you know that by choosing Melaleuca products, you have already helped save over 260 million pounds of plastic, 45 million gallons of fuel, and more than 1.4 billion pounds of greenhouse emissions?¹ Caring for our world allows everyone to experience the peace, comfort, and joy that only nature can provide. And those feelings are important parts of experiencing a well-rounded life.
Learning is essential to our existence. Where would you be if you had never learned to read and write? If you had never learned how to drive? Or if you had never learned the skills required to provide for your family? Just like healthy foods provide the nourishment our bodies need, continuous learning provides the nourishment our minds and lives need. One of Melaleuca’s primary missions has to do with continually feeding your mind. Recall our Mission Statement: To enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals. Gaining education and skills is an important part of helping you reach your goalsSM. That’s one of the reasons you have so many opportunities to receive coaching and provide coaching to others. Those opportunities help you to learn social and business skills that will benefit every facet of your life. Add to that the knowledge you can gain as you learn about how Melaleuca products help your body, your home, and the environment and you have a wealth of education at your fingertips. There is so much available learning material, you could probably receive a Melaleuca degree!
Humans are meant to be social—so much so that famed psychologist Abraham Maslow included love and belonging as the third most important aspect in his hierarchy of needs. Recently, studies have been conducted that show the harmful effects of isolation and perceived isolation. Dr. Louise Hawkley, a senior research scientist at the University of Chicago, has found that loneliness can affect more than just a person’s mental health. Evidence shows that social isolation can lead to depression, poor sleep quality, impairment to thought processes and the ability to make informed choices, cognitive decline, reduced cardiovascular functions, and reduced immunity at every stage of life.² These effects will certainly reduce an overall feeling of wellness. Melaleuca can help here as well. That’s because a Melaleuca business is a social business. From the first day you switch stores to shop with Melaleuca or the first day you choose to start your own Melaleuca business, you are surrounded by people who care. As part of the Melaleuca family, you are among those who believe in an abundance mindset. That is, we believe that helping others is the best way to help ourselves and that there is no limit to how many of us can succeed. As you participate in your team’s ongoing education, the many coaching and celebratory events Melaleuca hosts, and the opportunity to share Melaleuca’s amazing products with the world, you can enjoy a richer social life. You will make friends to last a lifetime as you teach the abundance mindset to others and help them reach their goals as well.
Stress is something we all experience. When we do, there is no denying that it reduces our ability to live our best life. In fact, a study conducted by the American Psychological Association shows that living with regular stress can cause problems in all of your body’s major systems.³ For years, studies have shown that one of the biggest and most persistent sources of stress is money. And while money by itself may not present a path to happiness and wellness, reducing the stress from a lack of money certainly can. Financial wellness is an important area of overall wellness, and Melaleuca can help in that aspect of your life as well. Whether it’s a balanced budget, a healthy savings account, a plan to reduce debt, or simply access to a plan B if needed, Melaleuca’s revenue-sharing plan allows you and your family the opportunity to earn reliable supplemental income that can help reduce stress. And reduced stress helps balance your life so you can focus on the things that matter most.
Have you ever stopped to consider how your spiritual wellness affects other aspects of your personal wellness? According to researchers at the Mayo Clinic, “Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less anxiety, depression, and suicide.”⁴ While religious and spiritual practices and beliefs may differ widely, there are a few basic tenets that can be beneficial to you regardless of your religious affiliation. Forbes magazine reports, “Words that are often associated with religious beliefs include connectedness, hope, optimism, trust, and purpose. All of which have been shown to boost mental health. Compassion, forgiveness, and gratefulness are also qualities that are strongly associated with individuals who are spiritual and religious. Practicing these qualities is thought to be associated with decreased stress and increased resiliency.”⁵ Similarly, Dr. Harold Koenig of Duke University suggests that as people pray, regardless of who or what they pray to, and ask that higher being for guidance, they feel a sense of control over their own situation, helping them better cope with depression and anxiety.⁶ But you may be wondering, “How does Melaleuca help with my spiritual well being?” From products that help you feel better to the ability to earn a few hundred dollars extra or more a month Melaleuca can help you experience more time freedom. That time freedom will impact every other aspect of your life as you will be better able to be more present with your kids, family, and friends, and you will be able to spend your time the way that is most satisfying for you. Maybe that means becoming more involved in your religion, maybe it means learning to forgive someone who has hurt you in the past, or it could be simply connecting with someone or something outside of yourself that allows you to more fully feel love, compassion, and gratitude in your life. Whatever your religious views and practices, Melaleuca can help you enjoy the freedom to experience them more fully in a hectic world where a religious connection can bring much needed peace and comfort.
What are emotions? Have you ever thought about that? Emotions are complex biological states that result in physical and psychological changes associated with your nervous system. These changes are triggered by thoughts, feelings, and environmental responses and typically include feelings of pleasure or displeasure. Look back over that definition and you’ll see that emotions are the result of pretty much all other factors in life—our inner health and well-being as well as our responses to conditions outside of ourselves. What this means is that if you are looking to balance your emotional wellness, one of the best ways to do that is to balance the other six areas of the wellness wheel. But if you’re looking for a quick way to boost your emotional state, go help someone else. Numerous studies show the many benefits that you can experience by serving someone. In fact, it’s hard to not be happy when you are helping someone. And offering that help is what Melaleuca is all about. From the products to the Compensation Plan to the professional development —it’s all with the goal of helping others. So go do good, and feel your emotional wellness soar.
As you evaluate your personal wellness wheel
and find the balance that is best for you, you’ll be amazed at the improvements you’ll experience. You can feel healthier, your days can become less stressful, and your life can be richer. Melaleuca is unique because it offers meaningful solutions for each of the seven areas in your wheel – if you choose to utilize them. And to think that the wheel and all it does for you started with an ancient culture that knew there was a better way to get things done.
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